Power of the tongue by Bro John Onyema


by Bro John on January 23rd 2014

Spoken or unspoken words have huge power. Sticks can bruise our physical body but words can harm our souls. So, it is important that we exercise caution in the manner and content of words we use. It is pertinent also to remember that just as every saint has a past, so does every sinner has a future.  In lieu of this, there is no justification in hurting another God’s creature with your words because they wronged you. Even, when you are offended, learn to forgive for who in this world is without offence? We all have sinned and have continuously sinned against God, yet He forgives us. Remember the statement in Our Lord’s prayer:” forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” In avertedly, when we say this prayer, we are telling God to hold our guilt against us because we have refused or are reluctant to forgive our enemies or will forgive them after we have literally killed them with our tongue, which in James 3:5 is described as small but capable of setting a forest ablaze like a small fire.

Brethren, let us therefore use our words to comfort, uplift and encourage others for when this is done, anger and bitterness will dissipate:

“Bad words excite and inflict wounds” (Proverb 12:6)

Remember we will give account of every bad word we utter (Mt 12:36-37). We should be careful of what we say at any time. It does not matter the status of the addressed and the circumstance under which they were uttered. The scripture in Proverb 18:21, cautions us to await the consequence of our utterance for it can preserve or destroy life.

James 1:26 actually said that if we cannot tame our tongue that our religion is worthless and we are deceiving ourselves. In other words, unruly and inconsiderate tongue (speech) can peck our spiritual growth. Christians should not flex muscles with words. Instead, they should ease pain, hurt and sorrow with words.

Brethren, please practice keeping silent when angry, so as to avoid saying things that you will regret thereafter. A lot of families have been ruined by words uttered in anger. The seed of discord that evolved into recalcitrant children, divorce and perpetual strife in homes sometimes were sown in moments of anger. The human mind is complex that even after seemingly solicitation of forgiveness has been granted, the remnant of the seed sown still manages to show its ugly face/head in time of crises. So, Christians beware! Let’s be charitable in our usage of words.

Ephesians4:25-31 has a lot to say about the need for us to bridle our tongue and subject it to the lordship of our Lord Jesus Christ. As we do this may our Lord Jesus Christ continue to bless us Amen.

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